Causing mass layoffs in PA during an election year? Bold move Joe

    Posted by GringottsWizardBank


    1. Gold-Island-4558 on

      Shit I’ll buy it. I mean it’s one us steel manufacturer, Michael. What could it cost? $10?

    2. Stupid decision. US Steel isn’t even the largest US manufacturer of steel. The only reason it’s being blocked is because of its name and history, and the uneducated masses thinking US Steel produces all of our nation’s steel.

      Trump and Biden are literally putting vibes above the free market and smart economics by opposing the deal. The company will likely have to close more plants and declare bankruptcy if they aren’t acquired.

    3. didn’t CLF also placed bids at the same time as Nippon Steel?
      imma say CLF calls at this point

    4. The only thing that can stop GLORIOUS NIPPON STEEL FOLDED 1000 TIMES is an old man with dementia and a child-sniffing problem

    5. Your choice is monopolized steel or Japanese steel maker; either are bad choices. CLF has almost cornered the US Steel market only other big name is Nucor if they acquire US.

    6. Another dumb decision. US Steel isn’t even a top player, all this will do is cause more jobs to be lost. Maybe he’ll give them a few billion like Intel lmao.

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