Perma Bull Roast

    Posted by BitcoinLebron


    1. Wow looking at options chain, you have almost all the open interest for these lol… 2300 of 2600 and 600 of 670.

      May god have mercy on your poor soul.

    2. Daddy_Dudley10101 on

      ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)yeah things aren’t bad for me I guess.

    3. Narrow_Finding3352 on

      Why wouldn’t you sell you 9/5 calls?!? Now at open you will be lucky if you can sell that many contracts and actually get the $2290ish back.

    4. Perma bull means that over many years the market will continue to go up. Like over 40 years. Does … 2 days mean 40 years to you?

    5. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      Bruh. Wtf is wrong with you people. Stop fucking throwing all of your money away. Jfc.

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