$28.5k in 13min short $DLTR


    Posted by bohochique


    1. imaginehavingtiktok on

      Hand me a fiver 💵for a burger, would ya 😅

      131k hourly salary if we talking 👀👀

    2. Buying options at market open to sell later is so difficult to make gains. Most of the time they’re over priced and value just fades even if it’s the right direction

    3. Well fucking done!
      That’s how you get the money to pay for your GF’s next surgery! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

    4. I live in Canada and the option call and put are different here I wish some can explain how he bought for the same price and sold it for the same price but changed the premium price from $1.65 to $5.75 that’s $4.10X7K=$28.7K since there’s no change in the strike price how did he get to sell it please ignore my ignorance I’m new to short and option trading but I’m familiar with normal trading thank you.

    5. This is so funny. I got the put contracts before the earnings and typically I take a position before the event. Yesterday morning , I noticed that the price action drilled down and the move was quite violent but then this did not reflect the auction offering of the premium of the contracts. Basically , the market opened and the premium increased but not much and stayed somewhat flat . I did not sell right away after the bell and just sat on my position waiting on the bid price to go up which eventually took off nicely. But now seeing your position and your play, I realize this must have been the time when I needed to prob buy more contracts still at a very low premium. A buddy of mine actually sold and reentered again.

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