Private Employment Grows By 99,000 In August, Sharply Misses Forecasts Of 140,000: ‘The Labor Market Overall Is Softening’

    Posted by JPMorgansStache


    1. This is all part of the plan. Someone has to work at Wendy’s and deliver Doordash. Might as well be former tech bros and “temporarily displaced” realtors.

    2. PlaysWthSquirrels on

      JP has stated from the beginning that there needed to be some softening in the labor market. That is happening, inflation is trending towards 2% and rate cuts are coming. 

      We’re in the shitty part of the cycle still, maybe it’ll get shittier, but eventually we’ll come out the other side. 

    3. These are ADP numbers and they’re generally much different than the actual federal payrolls report.

      Wait for Friday for a more definitive look at the labor market.

    4. Independent_Ad_2073 on

      Boom, the plan is working. This almost guarantees the first rate incoming this month.

    5. ElonMusksAlgorithm on

      Let the recession of 24 begin. 🙂 Good news we are literally just at the start of a baby bear market. None of yall have missed it yet. Hop on for the reset, we going to make the American dream a reality again.

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