Made around $300k in basically a month because I invested in green energy penny stocks before Biden was elected and never ended up selling them off before it was too late.

    Posted by PsychologicalLead358


    1. That’s a lot of money my dawg. I bet you can make it all again and then some by working more hours at your day job.

    2. ElonMusksAlgorithm on

      To make it all back load QQQ puts expiring in 2 months. Rate cut recession never fails

    3. When did you plan to take profits? Looks like you had a year to take out at least 100k.

      You seriously just sat there all year like, damn, I don’t need this 100k, and this penny stock is totally a reliable investment?

    4. theperezident94 on

      Shieeeet this gonna be me tomorrow if jobs and unemployment data comes in looking strong. Otherwise I’ll be a millionaire, we’ll see.


    5. idontworkhere- on

      Please tell me you forgot your password instead of watching it decline like that and never taking profits.

    6. You could have taken the cash and yolo’d it in 0DTE and be a multi millionaire or exactly where you are now. That money is better off in someone else’s hands.

    7. Lanky_Cantaloupe4049 on

      Ew. There are still five figures in your portfolio. I hope you don’t kiss your mother with your portfolio open. Sheesh.

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