Lost 89% investing in dog medicine during COVID


    Posted by NecessaryLocation788


    1. NecessaryLocation788 on

      Back during COVID, i YOLO’d my life savings into dog medicine.

      I mean, everyone loves their pets, right?

      With more people getting dogs during the pandemic, I figured the pet prescription market was about to explode.

      In my mind, this was a no-brainer. People would go all out to keep Fido healthy, and I was about to cash in.

      At first, things looked good. The stock went up a bit, and I started thinking about how I’d spend my future millions. I even told my friends, “Everyone’s got a pet, this is basically fool-proof!”

      But then the bubble burst and my dreams of wealth evaporated.
      Now, every time I see a dog, I’m reminded of my financial losses.

    2. Look at it this way, you one upped Intel dude, and now you have a permanent place in WSB Hall of Fame. Whenever someone is having a bad day because they lost 5 or 10k trading, all they need to do is think of you in order to realize “hey this isn’t so bad actually, I can get past this.” Truly the single worst play I have ever seen in my life, it’s amazing to me you managed to save 400k+ to begin with.

    3. I needed this. Now I can sleep better knowing my SQQQ calls expiring worthless isn’t as bad as I thought! But all things considered, I hope you can bounce back after this devastating loss. 🙁

    4. Don’t sell , wait for making 400k + in gains then you can do tax loss harvesting. Also, this reminder of your regardedness might help you in avoiding the future regardedness or not as there is no cure for it, but one can always pray.

    5. RealHornblower on

      Oh god, that 5 year chart, it bumps around a bit above what you must have bought it at then the loooonnnngggg slow decline. How many times over the past 5 years did you consider cutting your losses and tell yourself it would recover soon? That sucks.

    6. ScipioAfricanusMAJ on

      Unironically this investment had more thought go into it than memaws Intel investment

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