I’m an OG. I’ve had this account since Feb 1, 2016. Once I realized I couldn’t make a dollar even if my life depended on it I took a break from March 2002 to March 2004. Well I should’ve never came back.

    Time to tap out fellow regards. That last $1447 I need to cover my transportation costs to Wendy’s so don’t tell me to play it.


    Posted by willydangerous26


    1. Thelast-Fartbender on

      > I’ve had this account since Feb 1, 2016. Once I realized I couldn’t make a dollar even if my life depended on it I took a break from March 2002 to March 2004

      Ya, if you pick stocks the same way you track time, no wonder you in the dumps!

      But 1447$ to get to Wendy’s! Maybe try the local Wendy’s instead of flying to the one in Hawaii.

    2. FreeIcecreamAfterDin on

      this could be your origin story about selling options instead of buying them. gonna need some more cash though

    3. BigBritches619 on

      If you would have just put it in the s&p and didn’t be a drooling regard you would of been up %150

    4. ElonMusksAlgorithm on

      Don’t. Load Big tech puts expiring 1 month out with the rest. Should 10x your money. After those profits secured you can DM and we will go from there.

    5. What’s wild is 8 days ago, you posted and the gay mods blocked your post. You had $21k, with some epic puts that would have printed if the strike was 1 week later. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    6. So sorry brother
      Hope you have a family to love, a family who loves you and maybe a good dog to pet. Stay strong, the sun will shine again for you. Wishing you peace in your mind, heart and soul.

    7. I feel you, brother. Your trajectory is similar to mine but I’m not ready to give up. Just scaled significantly down and now focusing on risk management and psychology. Hope you find it in you to consider coming back. DM me if you want to chat

    8. satanlord_3126 on

      How are people loosing so much money man . It’s so dumb to see people having 0 knowledge about shares or options literally loosing hundred thousand dollars in a blow .
      Come on guys

    9. Soggy-Event4456 on

      You know how this sub could be helpful? Encourage wise risk taking, smart YOLOs, no fake ‘it’s ok, you can come back-isms”. Stop celebrating the loss porn, and provide some peer pressure to take wise gambles and celebrate THOSE wins and losses. Maybe we see less of this sadness.

    10. Damn bro. Sad to see. You went from dream of bagging hot chicks to bagging hot fries at the Wendy’s.

      Hope you had fun though.

    11. Got more loss than this (but life is still intact) started options in 2018

      Coulda just dumped full port nvidia and let it sit and I’d be rich but nope LOL

      I remember vividly 2018 Nvidia wsb was really divided, fan bulls and bears

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