LLY is set to become the 1st trillion dollar health-care stock. Eli Lilly has been having major wins since their earnings. They’re drugs are no longer in shortage, Zepound was found to have cardiovascular benefits, and their once a week insulin is showing equal results to daily insulin injections.

    The cardiovascular benefits from zepound is huge because patient insurances are more likely to cover drugs like this, without patients having to try other medications since it’s an actual benefit that no other fat loss meds have and it help lower the risk of their patients being in the hospital, which will save insurance companies more money at the end.

    The weekly insulin is HUGE. The biggest complaints patients have is the amount of times they have to inject themselves throughout the day. The benefit this will have, is that both type 1 and type 2 diabetics can use this and there is a smaller risk of hypoglycemia/lower blood sugar since there’s no defined peak with the insulin.


    I’ve been a diabetic pharmacist for the last 10 years and I’ve been lucky to be making over 40k on LLY options.(see my previous posts)

    I feel like this is the lowest LLY will get before it shoots up, tomorrow would be a perfect time to get in IMO with shares, not options (wait till Monday). Thank you for attending my TED talk. Thank me later.

    LLY is beating out TSLA to become a Trillion Dollar company
    byu/Minai808 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Minai808


    1. never thought my modest investment in Lilly 7 years ago would be worth a million – the problem is cap gains – i stare at the unrealized gain and actually get a little ill thinking about the tax bill. probably wont get any better after the election – i know, first world problems, sorry

    2. So all these benefits that they are claiming to be from the drugs, are simply from people losing weight and lowering their health risks. Yeah, being fat makes you susceptible to diseases and losing that fat lowers the risk. Those scam artists put that shit in their studies and are marketing to brain dead 600lbs baboons. Puts

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