U.S. payrolls grew by 142,000 in August, less than expected


    Posted by GringottsWizardBank


    1. Like these numbers won’t be drastically revised down again like they have been for the past year or more …

    2. Previous_Section_679 on

      Question was there data revisions before 2008? I bet they are using the revisions as an attempt to create an artificial soft landing afterall everything in the markets is based on confidence.

    3. This puts FED in a difficult spot. The labor market is still holding up pretty strong. Average hourly earnings are up to 0.4% which makes wages inflation still very relevant. It has 25bps point cut all over it, cautious FED and a slow grind to recession

    4. It’s almost as if whatever artifice the government is using to prop up this weird economy is starting to buckle under it’s own weight.

    5. kerrykingzgo-T on

      So ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) or ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)… I don’t know what anything means I assumed ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057) so numbers must mean ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    6. IMO this pretty much means a .25% rate drop at the next meeting. Not the .50% drop some people wanted, but they’ll at least do something.

    7. This will end up being bullish. Weaker job market means there is more possibility for 50 bps cut instead of 25. 25 is priced in, so I expect spy to go up today unless NVDA drags it down again.

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