Well, that’s the last donation I will make. Never been a quitter, but I’d also like to think I’m not delusional. The continuous mental battle that results in loss of capital has become mundane. I’m 26, and I’m certain this is a hole that I could trade out over time but for now, I’ve got a fucking wall to paint, a garden that needs tended to and a wife that wants a new dress. PSA don’t play ER … don’t play options … your chances of success are blindfolded w a loaded gun in your hands. Or a bible.


    Posted by DisastrousDebate69


    1. LightMission4937 on

      Fk yea….you did it right. If you call it tanks. If you put it sky rockets. 🤘🏽 I know the feeling shirt brother.

    2. Affectionate-Army-63 on

      Most people see their house got burn they get out. You seat there and say “this is fine”

    3. Honestly man, you’re young, you seem to be taking the loss well, seem to have learned a good lesson for yourself and you’re looking at things to do already to take your mind off of it and move on.

      No idea how much money this is to you but consider yourself fortunate, many lose multiples of this amount all the time. Thanks for the post and for the shining example of how to handle a port blowing up.

    4. Necessary-Peanut2491 on

      >I’m certain this is a hole that I could trade out over time but ***for now***…

      I don’t think we’re looking at the same graph. Not trying to be a dick here, but this seems like a “tough love” situation. You beelined to zero. You are *not* good at this. Stopping is the right call, because you absolutely are not going to trade your way out of this.

      Forget day trading exists. It’s not for you. Buy ETFs and get rich slow, rather than getting poor fast with options.

      I say this because it’s not that uncommon for people to lose it all, “quit”, then lose it all again remarkably soon because they still think they can do it. And you kinda hinted that you were gonna do just that (emphasis in quote added). You need to get that shit out of your head, it’s poison.

    5. Appropriate_Ice_7507 on

      Yes yes yes!!emote:t5_2th52:4271![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. orangesherbet0 on

      You spent $40K on lottery tickets and lost it all. Judging from your chart, you traded a 1% chance of getting rich quick for a 99% chance of being poor. Classic gambler’s ruin.

    7. No-Monitor-5333 on

      Straight fucking down……. you never even had a higher low…. this is by far the saddest shit ive seen on this sub

    8. Signedupcuzofgme on

      This makes me feel a little alright. I left 5000$ profit and walked out with 500$ today for spy 0dte. I’m down 70k overall 🛌😭😭😭

    9. Robinhood Gold offer looks like a sports betting deposit bonus ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

    10. Ready2gambleboomer on

       a wife that wants a new dress.

      She probably wants a new boyfriend too but you’re a young pup with plenty of life to live. Good luck man. You’ll be fine. Now paint that wall and your wife. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

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