I’m genuinely surprised to see how Ford (F) continues to make bad decisions. This is NOT gonna fly with anyone I’ve ever interacted with in my life.

    Not only Ads doesn’t belong in a car but also eavesdropping for target advertisement? Rest assured no one is gonna go near a 5 mile radius of the Ford dealers. They already are making shitty cars now to top it off this?

    The moment they announce this, I’ll port half my portfolio to PUTs on F.


    Ford patents In-car ads powered by eavesdropping.
    byu/warriorsReaper inwallstreetbets

    Posted by warriorsReaper


    1. Well, it’s just a patent, not intent to have it in their cars. If any other manufacturer wants to have this in their cars, Ford gets the royalties.

      Smart move to have as many parents as you can, IMO.

    2. Unpopular_Ninja on

      I mean I was dropping Ford with the decision to report your speed to authorities, time to short Ford?

    3. returned2reddit on

      If you put listening devices of any kind in a car as standard you can kiss goodbye to any government fleet contract.

    4. Madlyfylingcows on

      “Finally, it could listen to your conversations and determine if it’s better to serve you a visual ad while you’re talking, or an audio ad when there’s a lull in the conversation.” I can’t imagine ads just coming on while quietly driving down the road. The speakers would end up out of the car if I had to put up with this.

    5. RevolutionaryKale944 on

      Only people over 40 will care. Everyone else will just do what an influencer says.   

      Whoa.. customized like your own personal assistant bruh! Order shit while driving right off Amazon and Taco Bell!

    6. DazzlingCarpet9653 on

      all the cars and bikes ive ever owned and will ever own were made before 2007 because of nonsense like this

    7. On the one hand, no one wants this.

      On the other hand, Ford doing this mean everyone else can’t which is a win for those of us who don’t buy Ford.

      So calls on TSLA?

    8. FoMoCo is already stamped on every part that I’ve had to replace on my Volvo, why would I want ads on top of an already subpar vehicle? Fucker Only Runs Downhill and all that, and apparently so will their stock prices

    9. Left_Experience_9857 on

      Gonna be the same scenario like with Netflix not allowing different households to use their logins and every redditor said that they “were deleting their subscription” and this sub started to buy puts.

      Whole time, subs just went up. Ford f-150 sells like hotcakes and most of the people who care about this stuff like on this sub are not the target demographic for their cars. More ad spend = higher revenue.

    10. Ford is just sayimg the quiet part out loud, 100% this will be a mandatory non-voluntary feature on all cars from all brands unless you pay for the billed monthly premium service to avoid 1/2 the ads.

      If you don’t consent to this then they’ll make safety features a monthly subscription with hard coding to crash your car into a building at 100mph unless you pay.

    11. Gold-Island-4558 on

      Honestly, just give me a ‘75 F-250 with a radio. Car companies are just doing more to justify eyewatering prices. I get it. It’s capitalism. But they’re just doing too much

    12. hurtfulproduct on

      Didn’t Ford or one of the other legacy domestic (U.S.) automakers just patent a system to snitch on your speeding?

    13. Of course people will buy them. They’re cheap.

      And they’ll either not mention the ads, or spin it in a positive “more interconnected experience”or something. 

      And of course, charge you for giving you ads.

    14. So they want us to buy a car that serves ads and also narcs you out to police 😂 fucking clown company

    15. The obvious hate goes toward Ford. But don’t miss the elephant in the room — fuck cancerous advertisers and their insidious mindset. Fuck these surveillance ad tactics that hijack and erode our privacy. I hope Ford never sells another car after this — and I hope the parasite advertisers and asshole execs who developed this drown in their own shit.

    16. I’m less and less surprised by the state of my country when I read Reddit.

      Like the article says in the first paragraph…. Patenting something doesn’t mean they are releasing cars with it.

      I feel stupid typing this.

    17. PhotographyBanzai on

      If a car were legitimately cheaper, say $10k vs $40k, sure go ahead and play a startup ad like gas stations do now… but we all know it’s not going to change the price.

      In the USA we could really use a “duck duck go” of the car manufacturing world. And one that focuses on low cost utilitarian cars. Maybe once AGI is a thing or the government becomes a functional entity, but I doubt it. 🤷 🤣

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