Today was it… I bet it all on calls at different points. My heart sank, my stomach clenched and I can’t feel anything but grief. I’m gonna go to Gambler’s anonymous from now on. Been a bettor here for awhile but now I legit have just this much and I’ll be a Pattern Day Trader tomorrow without access to even this. I know I deserve to be made fun of. I know I don’t deserve anything. But I’m making the promise from here on out to never gamble a cent again. I just can’t even fathom how I let it get this bad. I don’t know where to go.
    If you’d like to donate to me having a meal tomorrow I just made a cash app called $WallStreetWon . I’m going to tell my family and everyone I know that I need help as well. I’m so done with all this. I can’t believe what I’ve done and become… please pray for me.

    Posted by Exact-Discussion-493


    1. >If you’d like to donate to me having a meal tomorrow I just made a cash app called $WallStreetWon

      That’s a funny way to spell “Wendy’s”

    2. Gold-Island-4558 on

      >if you’d like to donate

      Just what a gambling addict needs. Free unmonitored money from strangers.

    3. Robinhood is asking you to take a live photo of yourself.
      Maybe they’ll make a meme with it.

    4. My condolences. The pain and shame you feel will take time to overcome. You are a wonderful person for sharing your tragedy. It may prevent someone else from such harm.

    5. Thick_Expression_796 on

      Robin Hood has no chill and they want for op to take a Live Photo of himself after this so they can probably laugh 🤦‍♂️

    6. Southern-Carrot-2209 on

      Dude relax. It’s money. It comes and goes. Get back to work and see you next Monday.

    7. Isaythereisa-chance on

      Go to work and go about your life. You made bad decisions, go make some better ones. See you Monday! 

    8. DrWermActualWerm on

      How much did you lose today? Why did you gamble your entire life savings instead of like 25%? Like Actually what inspired you, I don’t want a “yeah idek why I did it” be honest with yourself and explain WHY you gambled your life savings.

    9. thewayyoulook2night on

      Hey man, people will razz on you cuz we’re on WSB but take a look at my post history. I was in your shoes earlier this year and honestly still fighting everyday. My advice is to just stop cold turkey. Open a non RH account so it’s less of a casino. Just DCA into VOO.

      That’s what I wish I did but still here gambling hoping to break even. Don’t make things worse.

    10. you lost $93k and are now gonna tell family and friends you need help? sorry if you were my friend id delete your number for having the balls to gamble with that much and think you deserve a hand out.. and no, we dont want to donate.. go to work, start saving what you can, go to food banks if you have to but you dug this hole – wont turn into a man unless you get yourself out yourself.. sorry if sounds harsh but youre speaking like an addict that still hasnt learned his problems arent everyone elses to deal with

    11. trickledownbangin94 on

      It’s amazing you had this much to begin with ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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