sell like 5 now just to lock in your cost basis and then sell the rest at 3:45 pm. thank me later
stoneman9284 on
Too bad my strike is about $100 lower than yours haha
Prudent-Blueberry660 on
Honestly, Spy puts on Fridays are easy and consistent money right now.
Squishy-Pickle on
I sold so early today![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)
SpaceChad_87 on
The regarded wise ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
SpaceChad_87 on
Following your next play ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Watch-Admirable on
I’ll go buy a put and turn this whole thing around.
Adichu3690 on
Rare bear win. Enjoy it while u can
badzachlv01 on
I had my finger on the trigger for that spy put this morning. But I let myself be convinced that the dump was too obvious. How do I stop being regarded
You are wise as you are regarded.
You pulled out? You pulled out,right?
sell like 5 now just to lock in your cost basis and then sell the rest at 3:45 pm. thank me later
Too bad my strike is about $100 lower than yours haha
Honestly, Spy puts on Fridays are easy and consistent money right now.
I sold so early today![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)
The regarded wise ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Following your next play ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
I’ll go buy a put and turn this whole thing around.
Rare bear win. Enjoy it while u can
I had my finger on the trigger for that spy put this morning. But I let myself be convinced that the dump was too obvious. How do I stop being regarded
I had a $551 put expiring monday that I bought for $4. I sold at $5 and it’s now at $11 😩 I have little paper put hands
because this is the crash, obviously
the one that Michael Burry and Steve Carrell predicted
they knew there was a bubble, and it’s only just beginning to pop
Now buy calls for next week
Did you buy at open?
Anybody know why CVX down a lot lately?
Down from 160.
You better get rid of that before the end of this year or otherwise Santa will put a lump of coal down your portfolio
Sold my spy and qqq puts way to early. Salty but made money regardless. Good shit!
Had thought about doing SPY puts this morning and instead did calls.
Congrats and fuck you.
When did you get those, earlier today or earlier in the week?