This is nothing right?

    Posted by Banp2014


    1. BeeKeepingAgeLol on

      Read the footnotes idiot. Non equity securities. What happens when interest rates are flat? No change in value. What happens when they go up? Decline in value. This is so dumb. You just found a cool chart and had no idea what it meant. It’s just a table showing interest rates increased.

    2. Looks like a chart to attract attention and interactions. Not sure the meaning of it as far as investing goes

    3. election year, the economy is fake

      subscribe to my podcast “maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m not” /s

    4. Banks hold bonds. When rates go up value or bond in secondary market decreases. Book value of said bonds decreases. Portfolio of banks shows unrealized losses. However, bonds, unlike stocks, when held to maturity recover all their value as the bond issuer returns all the capital originally invested and those unrealized losses disappear.

      Therefore if ( IF!!) banks are able to hold those bonds until they mature… this chart is a nothingburger.

      But if there are any bank runs or other reasons the banks would need to liquidate those bonds in the secondary market… then those losses would become realized and then banks are fucked (see regional bank crisis from last year).

    5. the_sound_of_a_cork on

      Imagine the next round of QE and how much the Fed is gonna have to expand the balance sheet to drive rates down. 🤡 World.

    6. gaius_worzels_bird on

      Pull your pants down and grab on to the nearest dumpster ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)

    7. change_of_basis on

      This isn’t what I’ll be talking about behind the dumpster with you.. I don’t expect you’ll be doing much talking, actually.

    8. Drinkablenoodles on

      Marked to market losses due to negative carries resulting from interest rate risk. So long as they don’t have immediate need for liquidity, these debt instruments can simply be held to maturity for a full nominal recovery of principal

    9. So Wendy’s get their ingredients from the dumpsters, and you know they are all moldy, might have some homeless love residue on it, and the food has gone bad. But you aren’t going to get sick until you eat the food.

    10. Because the chart is truncated. It only goes back to 2008. The giant dip at the end is unrealized losses on treasuries for the most part. That’s because of how the fed raised rates. This chart doesn’t really have another time like it on it so of course it sticks out like a sore thumb. You need to extend it into the 1960s

    11. Lots of bonds were issued when interest rates were low, now that rates are high the old bonds aren’t worth face value.

    12. Only a regard selling t-bills before maturity will you lose value.

      Don’t sell your burger before it’s ready.

    13. sometimes market up…..sometimes market down

      sometimes you have a home…..sometimes you live behind the dumpster

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