Updated Sahm Rule based on today's August unemployment rate report. Remaining in recession territory.


    Posted by uslvdslv


    1. Yeah but how many pandemics happened in the past? In my 44 years nothing remotely close to that has happened.

    2. giovannigiannis on

      This information is useless because there is literally no safe place to put your money during a recession or crash. In 1929, 1999, 2008, 2020, etc, there was no “safe haven” so it’s a lose-lose no matter what you do. All we can do is watch the trains collide and tell fellow onlookers that we knew since 12 years ago that it was coming.

    3. wsb furiously masturbaiting at the thought of a recession.

      “surely it won’t be me that will lose my job, it will be that other guy.”

    4. Jokes on you buddy, we updated the terms of service and changed the definition of the rule. We are doing better than ever now.

    5. TheBootyScholar on

      How regarded. The Sahm study is a supporting indicator for when economic policy should be enacted during recessionary times. It is not a pointer of when or when a recession will occur.

    6. Just move the goalposts when your party is running for reelection they have done this for years nothing new here.

    7. Why does this graph not show any prior recessions? Seems like you should be show that it has been the case historically if you want to use it as an indicator.

    8. seems like all these rules are bullshit, because we do one like the yield curve inversion which was supposed to be rock-solid and that doesn’t mean anything, so i suspect this won’t either, and then in 4-7 months we’ll learn some new rule that won’t matter. imagine being a bear.

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