I gave up a while ago. Should I make my return?


    Posted by Puzzleheaded-Ad7772


    1. Nikka why you asking, you gonna be back no matter what anyways ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. This is probably that point in time where you either agree to do this shit the right way , aka spend 95% of your time educating and 5% on the actual application of trading.

      Trade paper for a while before you get going.

      My advice is this could be a really great month to jump back in the game if you decide to do so but take it slow and sure as fuck don’t make the same mistakes as last time.

      see ya a 1mil , regard.

    3. Enable margin. Buy otm spy puts with 0dte.

      Don’t quit just cause you’re at zero. You can go all the way to -infinity

    4. Stay away from options.
      Unless you sell them.
      So buy the stock and then milk other people who were you in the past for the premium.

    5. BadChemical3484 on

      Probably not or another equal option to you gambling on stocks would be, give me 10k…. I’ll kick you in the balls a few times and we can call it good?

    6. Not before you paper trade till you master your emotions and be disciplined to cut your losses and don’t get greedy 20% in a trade is plenty to be consistently profitable

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