US confirms first case of bird flu with no known animal exposure

    Posted by WhatsAMisanthrope


    1. WhatsAMisanthrope on

      – Bird flu cases in wild birds in Asia

      – Bird flu cases in farmed birds in Asia

      – Bird flu cases in farmed birds in North America

      – Bird flu cases in non-bird animals North America

      – Bird flu cases farm workers in North America

      – Bird flu cases with no known animal exposure in North America  YOU ARE HERE

      – Confirmed human-to-human transmission (Panic)

      Note that any confirmed human-to-human transmission anywhere in the world is worthy of panic. And I say “panic” rather than just “concern” because the successful campaign to politicize the COVID response means that an effective response to bird flu is extremely unlikely. (Likely half the population will actively resist, including at least half of political leaders.)

    2. LethargicBatOnRoof on

      Everybody knows that birds aren’t real so how could *bird flu* possibly be real?

      Fake news.

    3. i got bird flu shawty sellin’ birds my business (yeah)

      catch that bird flu shawty that’s a terrible sickness (yeah)

    4. Calm_Bullfrog_848 on

      I exposed myself to birds once. All I walked away with was shame. Who knew crows can laugh at you.

    5. AdPrestigious8198 on

      So, which company going to get the juicy billions in gov grants?

      Which will pump out a crazy vaccine in 8 weeks?

    6. JPMorgansStache on

      This is happening because Elon f*cked Twitter, right?

      That poor bird…that poor poor bird…

    7. To hopefully add some context for those scared by the headline, in its current form, bird flu is NOT the next covid. Human-human transmission is rare and we already have effective tests and vaccinations. We are stockpiling vaccines for it as we speak. Bird flu, in its current form, is not cause for concern. Even if it mutates, it is still unlikely to cause a widespread pandemic.

    8. Aggravating-Split855 on

      Buy novavax/moderna/pfizer. Shit will get worse leading up to the election.

      I am long in all three with calls expiring right before the election.

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