I think that the fair value of this stock is between $700-$800 per share. Previously, I bought this stock at $250ish and exited at $1200. This is round 2. I reacquired after it got added to SP500.


    Posted by featherbirdcalls


    1. Well I am astonished at the tolerance of that stop loss first of all.

      Since your in deep with the shares hang on tight , the next few weeks will likely suck , so just close your eyes until we get back to the 6-800 range. I think when SMCI gains traction it’ll make a pretty swift recovery.

      Gl on this shit

    2. I did the same thing once, got in early on a pump and dump, made some great gains and then started to believe the pump bs, bought back in and it was terrible… but if you really believe it I hope you succeed 👍

    3. Humble_Increase7503 on

      Ima tell you wut

      If the market continues to sell off … as I anticipate it will, leading to the ultimate EOY pump Santa rally…

      SMCI calls way otm will be a play I consider

      Just not yet.

      Think you’ll have a bunch of volatility for a bit longer

      As to you, perhaps look to add in a bit. Average down …

    4. Dull_Broccoli1637 on

      Oh I see they finally did the stock split ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    5. Odd_Mistake_5437 on

      They’re supposedly to do a stock split Oct 1st. Makes me considering if they’re gonna go CAAh-Boom sometime soon near the date ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    6. According_Web_8907 on

      You HOPE fair value is $700 to $800 per share but in reality it’s FMV is more in the $325 to $425 range and that’s being generous, since it can be very easy for competitors to make the exact same products

    7. BitesTheDust55 on

      I’m a bagholder but I think it goes back up. Next earnings needs to show the revenues are on track and justify the 800+ share price then we’ll rocket back upward. Short term the accounting issues are going to keep the stock depressed for sure. Worst case scenario I harvest the tax losses on it.

    8. HentaiAtWork420 on

      You would be smart to exit this position and buy spy or put the money under your mattress.

    9. HarrysHairynuts on

      I think you should sell off 3 k loss worth and file it on taxes if it doesn’t come back up by eoy 🤣

    10. It broke 1000 on pure hype alone. That’s not happening again. There is no round 2. It’s a good company, but it’s not one for growth. Dell and IBM have a better chance at hitting 1000 before this does.

    11. MrMeeSeeksLooks on

      I might sell all but 100 or half. Then do a covered call leap. This does have room to drop still especially with more catalyst

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