How many options did you sell for that much to be assigned?
Paradox_Gaming562 on
I pray this is fake 😭
If not, run to Mexico
Ha, you better bring extra lube.
Fragrant_Swing9987 on
How many dead people does robin hood need to fix this shit
Left_Experience_9857 on
naked options?
All you do is exercise the long contract you have, this was 100% a spread. You can’t lose more than the initial risk you placed as long as the long option did not expire.
Zealousideal-Ad-2546 on
Whoop whoop get off that bitch too fast
long_term_burner on
Delete the app and pretend this never happened…
Any_Influence_8305 on
Roping myself on your behalf so the psychos at RH finally changes this shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Families of the people that mys’ed over that should sue.
It’s funny in WSB but fuck it’s bad
Left_Jellyfish3816 on
I don’t think Robinhood minds this that much. I once was under 10m, just deleted the app and never heard from them. Keep getting called by this “debt collector” tho
the way i would pack my bags and leave the country so quick 😂😂😭
REDdaysALLday on
Easy remedy! Go ask your dad for a couple of millions!
eplugplay on
He can now retire at Wendy’s.
Captain_Comic on
Don’t worry, once all your positions close it probably won’t be more than $1.1 million tops
MyNameIsOnlyDaniel on
As someone commented on a similar post: If you are $5000 dollars in debt, that’s your problem. If you are $1M dollars in debt, that’s platform’s/bank’s problem 😆.
This comment is a joke and it’s not serious. Please don’t sue me
elpresidentedeljunta on
Is this that thing, where it settles later and the overall isn´t actually dramatic?
don’t kys sell positions and you’ll be positive 👍
How many options did you sell for that much to be assigned?
I pray this is fake 😭
If not, run to Mexico
Ha, you better bring extra lube.
How many dead people does robin hood need to fix this shit
naked options?
All you do is exercise the long contract you have, this was 100% a spread. You can’t lose more than the initial risk you placed as long as the long option did not expire.
Whoop whoop get off that bitch too fast
Delete the app and pretend this never happened…
Roping myself on your behalf so the psychos at RH finally changes this shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
I like the ad shown with this post…
“You’ll never get me lucky charms!”
Payday loan?
Families of the people that mys’ed over that should sue.
It’s funny in WSB but fuck it’s bad
I don’t think Robinhood minds this that much. I once was under 10m, just deleted the app and never heard from them. Keep getting called by this “debt collector” tho
Put it in rice😅
Just start a new account under your grandma’s login info you’ll be fine
Whistles. I hear most people are trying to get into the USA from the border but you can probably get out that way too.
Could someone explain how this sheet happens? I don’t have Robinhood in my country
Can someone explain this to me? People keep posting this stuff and I have no idea how it happens. I don’t use Robinhood because I’m smart.
Real life “Game Over” screen?
the way i would pack my bags and leave the country so quick 😂😂😭
Easy remedy! Go ask your dad for a couple of millions!
He can now retire at Wendy’s.
Don’t worry, once all your positions close it probably won’t be more than $1.1 million tops
As someone commented on a similar post: If you are $5000 dollars in debt, that’s your problem. If you are $1M dollars in debt, that’s platform’s/bank’s problem 😆.
This comment is a joke and it’s not serious. Please don’t sue me
Is this that thing, where it settles later and the overall isn´t actually dramatic?
What’s happening with robinhood?