Lmfao I’ve got the stupid idea to place almost 50K cad of my student loan into TMF (TLT BUT 3X)

    I think the fed is going to cut rates untill 2026, pushing up bond prices.

    Average price of 53$ with 680 shares


    Posted by goodbyeniceguys


    1. This has got to be the single most irresponsible thing I’ve seen someone do here.

      Fuck it I’m in.

    2. Is this legal and allowable under the loan covenants you signed? I am not making a moral judgment, just asking the question.

    3. At least through education you might capitalise from the budget… with gambling the chances are lower… but may the odds be in your favour!

    4. DEASqueezeAllComing on

      ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)If this doesn’t work you will really end up at ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627) Only gamble your own money that you don’t need![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    5. 4fingertakedown on

      Holy shit lmao.

      OP blows his student loan on a DAILY leveraged ETF because he thinks rates will be lower in 2 years.

      I’ve seen a lot of dumb shit on this sub. But god damn this might take the cake

    6. idonteverwatchsports on

      I think it’s a fairly safe and solid move. Returns should definitely crush the interest. Hope you did the math on the interest of the loans and also on the capital gains taxes. If you have a profit percentage then I’d set it to sell at that percentage. Take into account the loan interest and capital gains tax and then set your profit limit. Sell, pay off the loans in full and set aside the capital gains taxes then reinvest profits.

    7. People like this should not be allowed to do leveraged trading. Actually scratch that, they absolutely should, it’s great content

    8. mouthful_quest on

      Just be aware there could be some pullbacks esp if people keep saying that recession has been averted and ppl start piling back into stocks again

    9. PutsOnReddit69 on

      youre late. where were you when this was down. on TLT I had 20x 94 calls when it was trading at $90 because I can predict the move. now people are talking about buying after. it’s already jumped $10. lol. so following guidance on Reddit when people are yoloing typically results in loss

    10. Imagine being dumb, uneducated, and poor.

      By the time you’re done imagining it, you’ll be living it.

    11. JPMorgansStache on

      The closest Wendy’s location nearest OP has a 76% chance of being:

      975 McKeown Ave, North Bay, ON P1B 9P2, Canada

      Here’s how I came to this conclusion…

      Given the poor quality decision-making involved here, I did everybody the service of looking up the worst universities in Canada. Found one hilariously named Nipissing University. Figured that would be a good assumption since OP is ni-pissing away their loans.

      This Wendy’s location is in the same area.

      I pray for OP’s sake that Canadian Wendy’s locations participate in the (2) for $3 deal so that whenever the 3x leverage is margin called, OP can still get breakfast.

      Godspeed to you, since stranger things have happened.


    12. OP, this is highly regarded.
      And I know because I’m in with 300 shares on TMF on an average of 55 usd per unit since same time last year.

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