Gold price is expected to reach 2580 in these weeks after the news of the US interest rate cut

    Posted by azzeddinebnejilali


    1. interest rate hike? “GOLD PRICES WILL SKYROCKET”

      interest rate cut? “GOLD PRICES WILL SKYROCKET”

      make up your mind

    2. Ray_Getard_Phd on

      Besides being used as a commodity and in electronic applications, gold is such a funny investment in modern times. Seriously, what is the point or appeal? “OOOOO SHINY HEAVY ROCK!!!”

    3. Guys, do you not see how he put lines on the graph? See how the lines go up? Have fun with your measly 10% yearly gain on spy while I’ll become the owner of the Wendy’s that you’ll end up applying to. You’re losing out if you don’t throw your life savings into this. Only idiots can’t see how great of an opportunity OP has given you, smh my head.

    4. Disastrous_Equal8589 on

      Wouldn’t Fed rate cuts already be priced into the price of gold, hence why it’s been hovering around 2,500-2,550? Everyone knows it’s coming. Obviously, it makes sense the price would increase after rate cuts, but that seems too easy to me. If someone else that follows gold more than I do can chime in that would be great because I’m genuinely curious

    5. I bought $GDX calls for Friday knowing the job report wasn’t going to be good and got my ass kicked. I should have just shorted the QQQ much easier

    6. Rustee_Shacklefart on

      The markets have been reacting the opposite often in recent time. Cuts in rates are interpreted as the Fed seeing inflation going down. So Even Peter Schiff admits this. I am skeptical.

    7. TechnicalWhore on

      The fun part will be the chart of Crypto added on top of this. People seem to jump to Crypto as often as precious metals now.

    8. These_Drama4494 on

      My brother in Christ we don’t even know if there’s gonna be a rate cut this month yet

    9. I’m with you brother, though, you should show chart ratios like gold vs m2 money supply to help your case. Even then, these WSBtards are going to shit on gold. That’s how you know to be bullish✅.

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