Every time I look here I see some of the non regarded people posting gains. Obviously everyone else follows when it's too late and loses money. I saw ppl posting gains from buying and selling spy put options on friday. This means the move is over, but 80% of u probably loaded on puts friday. It's not going lower because big money is gonna close their shorts and your puts will expire worthless. Big money is targetting regards and it's no secret at this point.

    My bet is SPY and QQQ go up this week then you all buy call options on Friday and get your buttholes enlarged the week after that since there's gonna be a short retracement of the upward move following the Fed announcement. After that it's gonna reverse again when the regards in charge realize nobody actually understood or paid attention to what JPowell was saying. Such is the way of all information being available. Corporate regards in monke suits controlling more $ influence the market and take your $, give it to some richer regard and then call Jamal to take care of their wife while they drive their Honda Civic back to work to do some overtime and earn another 20$/h.

    Same thing happened with NVDA, ppl posting gains on 110-130C options. Everyone else buying 140-160C and boom next week it's in the toilet. I bet that on Friday ppl bought 100P and are gonna get -69% in returns.

    The move is over when on the news (when the information's available). To top it all up the stupid news is filled with "why you shouldn't buy the dip just yet". Translation: It's because big money needs a good price so don't buy the dip. Wake the f up.

    Why it's going up next week
    byu/CyberInu4200 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by CyberInu4200


    1. I think it will go up because it’s CPI week. People will anticipate good results leading to big rates cuts

    2. Daddy_Dudley10101 on

      #JOKES ON YOU OP. Did a background check. You think you could hide from us? Former Bear Stearns CEO.

    3. I think this is possible but probably won’t fully recover will probably dip even further afterwards either later this week or some point the following week. Even this time last year it did exactly that just because it was September/october, but this year we’re dealing with uncertainty regarding rate cuts and an election on top of it.

    4. noncommonGoodsense on

      Bitcoin is stagnant gonna all barely move Monday most likely fucking both sides of the chain right in the face.

    5. deathdealer351 on

      I’ve got spy mostly flat on Monday so +/- 40 points but probably in the 20 range..

      No clue what the peaks are going to be. 

    6. Wonderful_Hamster933 on

      Because bad news is good news. The badder the news, the higher the market goes. It’s science.

    7. Dennisfromhawaii on

      Way too many upsets in football this weekend. Half this sub will have to exit positions to pay their debts.

    8. I have a feeling that spy will test the 530-34 range but then recover. Could be Monday, could be Friday.

    9. Everything is dependent on the resistance price of $100 per share.
      If it touches $100 and goes up, it will not see $90 per share.

      If it touches $100 and goes to $95, it will take a full cycle of closings and selling of PUTS, to make it rise again. I don’t think $80 per share is even possible after being at $141 just a month ago but it can stay from Mon-Wed @ 90’s levels.

      Or it could go to $108 within 2 hours of opening on Monday and sit still all week till Friday.

      No one knows shit bc we also got confirmed fake news media reports about selloffs and the target pricing going down. It’s panic peddling done to make you think it’s going down, when it’s really on its way up.

    10. notyourregularninja on

      Well the only reason I can see it go up is called a dead cat bounce which is a buying spree of tards thinking this is the bottom. Irrespective there is a small bounce next week.

    11. I think getting some PM mining puts would be smart in here. Declining mining activity with the incoming weather usually provides fall Put opportunities. There is also macro uncertainty with copper mining which is also worth a look.

    12. macawarbitor3000 on

      Anyone saying this man is wrong clearly has no grasp of the stock market. It go up, then it go down, then it go up again. Simple

    13. Zealousideal-Ad-2546 on

      Judging by the level of puts and calls sold for the ninth your right, SP looks like it will go up initially. This is hardly a guarantee though because the number isn’t that high. They doubled back up twice at end of day to clear calls for that day and possibly buy into the next but it’s not a guarantee.

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