Here’s my P&L so far, started the strategy in September.

    1. I follow trends, never predict, always react.

    2. Firm take profit, and a trailing stop loss I manually adjust. I always progressively move my stop loss first to breakeven, then to arbitrary higher levels to secure my wins and keep losses small.

    My average win rate is 27%, calculated over nearly a year of day trading so fairly reliable. I target 130%+ gains on 0DTE SPY options, and set my stop losses at -13%. Keeps me disciplined

    Let me know your thoughts! Or questions. I can already see the “beginners luck” comments coming, happy to give updates in a month

    Posted by Ok_Bodybuilder_2384


    1. Practical_Coach5766 on

      You got lucky 2 days in a row with a massive market downtrend…you didn’t find any strategy lmfao

      Get a grip

    2. I’ve gotten burned bad trying manual set trailing stop losses. Whenever I am setting a new one it cancels the old one and suddenly drop in the market and past a bunch of my stop loss points and instead of collecting any profit, I’m trying to get a stop loss back in that isn’t too far worse than the original.

      What platform?

    3. larrylegend1990 on

      You the guy to win the lottery once in 50 years and tell us you found the key to winning the lottery.

    4. Perfect_Major3474 on

      Question… Is it good idea to put stop loss on a leap call, on the negativ side overall. Because we might see IV working to our favour. So why do the stop loss? As oppsed to ODTE, stop loss makes sense.

    5. Legitimate-Ant-3089 on

      Theoretically if you legitimately maintain your stops, you would have to be wrong 10 times in a row if you full port this strategy before you go broke.

      I don’t imagine you do full port, so with reasonable position sizes, you could theoretically lose 20 to 30 times more and 1 win would cancel out about 10 or so losses.

      Not a terrible plan, better than most here, but you know what they say, you are up till you aint.

    6. I’ll trade you. i lost $8000 by not following my “winning options strategy”

      > I don’t need a hedge this time, there’s no chance it drops further

      > drops another 10%

    7. johnlovesbigwomen on

      Your strategy is chicken butt because should have made thousands on Wednesday. Once market counter trends you will GET DESTROYED. On 9/4/2024 SPY HIGH WAS 554 AND CHANGE. How did you lose money on 9/4/2024 ON A PUT STRATEGY?!

    8. I too have been humbled. Went from “the man” to a mere fellow hanging behind Wendy’s dumpster

    9. So you’ve got a years worth of day trading pnl and you only decided to show us the last 5 days? Explain…

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