Hi! Located in NorCal, I was at a stop light earlier today and got rear ended by a drunk driver going pretty fast, Not too sure the speed but he was airborne for a second and the tires were generating smoke.

    He hit me hard enough to damage the frame of my car to the point where some doors won’t open anymore and the clip in my hair shattered.

    Anyway, hit my head pretty hard and am feeling kinda woozy, headache-y, and just generally sort of foggy. But I can relay details of the accident and know where I am/who I am/the date. But I’m a little concerned that I might be mildly concussed.

    If I go to the ER room – does his insurance cover that (if he has it) or will I be stuck with the bill through my medical insurance? He was too drunk and injured to give any of his info before EMS took him and the cops didn’t have anything to give tonight other than the police report #.

    Just scared to go and have to pay a huge fee when maybe I might be okay.

    Got rear ended by a drunk driver if I go to the ER who pays?
    byu/StrawbunnyMilk inInsurance

    Posted by StrawbunnyMilk


    1. online_jesus_fukers on

      Go to the er. Head injuries are nothing to mess with. Worry about the bill later…either his insurance will be on the hook, or you file with yours and they’ll deal with getting things taken care of and then going after the other driver. Your health is more important right now.

    2. If his instance accepts liability and there’s no coverage issues, then his policy will pay up to his policy limits. You also can file on your own policy if you have coverage for it. 

      Regardless, go and get the necessary diagnostics and treatment. Your health is first priority. 

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