Weekly earnings play

    I'm back you filthy regards,
    Inverse me now for free money.

    Here is my Fargo's Delight.
    Bobo > Pepe

    See you all on the other side.

    EDIT 1: I was up 40 pcnt, but holding for gold. Iron hands you dirty degens.

    I'm Back You Filthy Apes: ORCL 130.00 PUT, 80X Contracts @ 1.26/ea
    byu/SuperBearPut inwallstreetbets

    Posted by SuperBearPut


    1. Fictional-adult on

      You have made me feel absolutely dreadful about my 131p. Ducks fly together, or something.

    2. I saw your farewell to yolos and retirement post ages ago.

      I’m glad your career worked out well for you to start up again.

      Sincerely, good luck, man.

    3. and its all gone. i followed you on this one, you own me a wendys order. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. bobbyOsullivan on

      I decided to buy some calls after seeing this. Hopefully this holds or I am going to feel like an even bigger loser than you.

    5. Narcissus_on_LSD on

      Thank you for the chance to inverse, my singular 155c and I will be happy to cash out tomorrow morning

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