Someone backed into me in a parking lot. We exchanged contact info and insurance. I filed the claim immediately through his insurance. They have been in contact with me but they keep saying he won’t answer. Today they told me I need to go through my insurance damages because he’s not answering. I don’t think that’s right. I feel like he should be liable and HIS insurance should pay. He’s at fault. What should I do? My insurance is aware of the claim but I added that the other insurance should be covering damages. What do I do?

    The person that backed into my car won’t respond to his insurance (Progressive) what do I do?
    byu/lifekeptmefrom inInsurance

    Posted by lifekeptmefrom


    1. Squish_the_android on

      Go through your insurance.  You should have informed them earlier.

      This is what you pay your insurance to deal with.

    2. iamnottheoneforu on

      Wow. Had the same exact thing happen to me. A grown adult used the excuse “I was sick” like he was a little child after not answering for a month. He ended up answering. I went to their social media (Twitter) and complained saying it was the insurance company’s fault, which got them to start hounding him. Try that.

      Edit: BTW this is not legal advice or anything like it. Might not be the best advice. My goal was to empathize with OP. It frustrated me for so long

    3. You, go thru your own. His insurer probably sending him an ROR advising failure to cooperate would lead to denial of coverage/ possible cancellation.

    4. I’m just irritated. I don’t want my insurance to increase. My deductible is $1000. I don’t feel like I should pay out of pocket.

    5. The issue is, they’re going off of your word. How does his insurance know you’re being honest or accurate? You wouldn’t want your insurance to decide liability without hearing your side of it, would you? He may not be answering but no one knows why he isn’t answering. It sucks, yes, but that’s what we have our own insurance for.

    6. Longjumping-Treat977 on

      As long as you got all the drivers info your insurance will take care of this you won’t be penalized. Plus going through your insurance is much faster as you can see

    7. Acceptable_Ad_667 on

      Go to the guys’ fuckiing house while on speaker phone. Had to do that when my wife got hit. In the future alway call the cops.

    8. Seriouslydontgaf on

      Go through your insurance and they will arbitrate on your behalf to pay for the damages and hopefully get your deductible back to you!

    9. Something similar happened to me years ago. 16 year old girls caused an accident. We swap info. (Parents insurance through USAA). Tried to ghost my insurance and their insurance. Went on for about 4 months of nothing then I got a call from mine. They just wanted to close the case so my insurance ate the claim. I’m assuming USAA just reimbursed mine.

      What a proud parenting moment. to teach your kid how to not own up to mistakes.

      Best of luck

    10. If you want something from somebody, and their insurer will not voluntarily pay you, your only option is to take the person to court. Your insurer, the police, and the Department of Insurance can’t force anybody to pay anything. Only a court can order them to pay. Anything else is just a “voluntary out-of-court settlement”. So you take them to court.

      Of course it’s a lot easier (if you have collision insurance and the damages are more then your deductible), to just claim it on your own insurance. Then taking the other guy to court to get the money back is your insurer’s problem and not yours.

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