One day I’ll learn to stop shorting companies that “feel like they went up too much after earnings”

    Posted by RBAnger


    1. Hopefully 1 day you will also learn that even though buying puts means you’re betting on the price to go down, there is a huge difference from actually shorting the underlying asset. Your bet has no impact on the price.

      Shorting means borrowing the shares and selling them to then buy them back at a lower price to return them to the owner

    2. I’m fucking loong on this company. I believe that the swap technology is the real competitive advantage and for a lot of people yet a strange things….give it 6years

    3. behindcl0seddrs on

      It is a piece of shit company that will fall BUT markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent

    4. I also got burnt with $4.5 and $5 puts on NIO.. also my OKTA calls after it “went down to much after earnings” expired absolutely worthless.

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