I was looking around today to possibly switch my car insurance because my progressive policy just went up $25 a month already to $180/ month. So I just received a quote from Allstate insurance for $690.. that's a month!! 100k,300k,100k.. 500 deductable etc. I even asked them if this was correct and they said yes. It's for a 2023 VW Tiguan. Makes it sound like I'm insuring a dang Ferrari! Anyone else having issues and I'm in Jacksonville beach, Florida.

    WOW.. car insurance in Florida is out of control!
    byu/RegionMany46 inInsurance

    Posted by RegionMany46


    1. SnooStrawberries729 on

      A lot of people are seeing huge increases in their auto and homeowners insurance across the country due to inflation and supply chain problems in the car repair industry.

      Florida (along with California) is one of the states where it is particularly bad, mostly due to poor government regulatory policy in those states.

    2. The Allstate rate is the we really don’t want to insure you but will if you make it worth our while rate. Something in your risk profile they don’t like or just don’t like our state in particular due to prior losses.

    3. FL is one of the worst states in the nation right now for insurance. The rate you are seeing sounds quite reasonable, but you’re welcome to shop around to confirm. So many people there drive uninsured (and without any BI coverage, which is legal), so you’re essentially subsidizing those who choose to break the law. It’s important to protect yourself. FL is a crazy place on every level.

    4. Anxious-Bee-3991 on

      Car insurance everywhere is out of control. Mine just went up $8/month, and I have no claims or tickets on my policy. I called the agent and was told it’s “vehicle related”. So if people could stop rolling SUVs, that would be swell.

    5. gregimusprime77 on

      IL here, I insure 3 vehicles (2 full coverage and 1 liability only) and pay 683 for 6 months of coverage. When Allstate tried jacking my cost way up I went to an insurance broker who shopped 15 or so companies. the last few years I”ve been with AAA for home and auto, and it’s only gone up slightly each year.

    6. There was a $400+ million verdict against a trailer company last week. That is fairly common. Until that stops insurance will continue to skyrocket.

    7. Damn, wish I was only paying $180. I’m paying close to $300/month with a clean driving record, minimum coverage, and $1,000 deductible thanks to all the idiots down here in South Florida who treat the roads as racetracks or drive like they’re the only one who matters.

    8. CO over here. 2 vehicles $356 per month through State Farm for 100/300/100 with a $500 deductible. Just switched to geico and am now paying under $200.

    9. carbon-based-drone on

      Insurance wise, Florida is looking like California without any of the benefits of progressive policy in other matters.

      Regardless of your politics, voting for incompetent, cultural warriors always screws you in the end.

    10. Because Florida drivers are INSANE.
      And I’m assuming rates are higher because its a no-fault state.

    11. That’s Florida for ya and reasonable for Florida, the Progressive quote. Do you know how many natural disasters y’all have?? Also, with inflation, insurance has to go up as well. I bought my vehicle 3 yrs ago and it’s worth more now b/c of the economy. Insurance has to follow.

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