My friend(M23) got into a car accident with my(F21) car this morning. He had just left our apartment and was going about 5 mph when attempting to turn on a left to go on the other side of the road when the other person came blasting through. My car has damages on the right side of the front bumper and is still drivable. the other car was towed since the right tire of her car seemed fucked. He isn’t under my insurance and cops were called and we made a report. I just called my insurance and told them what happened. We’re not sure who is at fault. What will happen with insurance since he isn’t under my insurance? We live in Texas.

    My friend/roommate M23 got into a car accident with my car
    byu/StatisticianMurky982 inInsurance

    Posted by StatisticianMurky982


    1. If you live with them, did you previously give their drivers license info to your insurance company?

    2. > What will happen with insurance since he isn’t under my insurance?

      Impossible to say for certain but it’s very possible/likely that any claim made on your insurance would be denied and your policy canceled if you hadn’t disclosed the you had a roommate. 

    3. First things first, your friend is likely to be at fault he pulled in front of an oncoming car who it sounds like had the right of way.

      I disagree with the other poster that the claim will likely be denied. It very well could be denied if your roommate was a regular driver of your vehicle, but most insurance companies require family and members of your household to be listed and a true roommate is not a household member. Now if you are romantically involved with this “roommate” that could change things and if they are a regular driver again may be denied.

      How often did your roommate drive your car? You mention they have their own insurance and that implies their own car too. Why did they drive yours that day?

      If your insurance denies the claim for some reason you absolutely should file a claim with your roommates insurance. The car’s insurance is primary but the roommates insurance may step in secondary.

    4. STOP. LETTING. ANYONE. ELSE. DRIVE. YOUR. CAR. As you live with him and don’t have him on your insurance, your carrier will likely deny coverage. Seems he is at fault, which means you and him both are now open for the other person’s insurance to pursue to recover whatever damages they incurred. You’re about to learn a very expensive lesson. Do not let anyone else drive your vehicle, ever, unless you pay your insurance company to insure them.

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