I'm a commercial insurance producer for a large agency. Small commercial. 30 years old. Licensed 4 years.

    I currently make and 80k base with another 24k-30k on in comssion. I'm fully remote. The numbers are tough, but doable. It's grindy as fuck. 1.5 million new premium for 2024.

    It feels like 110k-125k is my absolute ceiling both at this role and in small commercial market in general. My old coworkers and friends at other big agencies make less than I do.

    What the fuck do I do?

    Career Guidance Desperately Neded
    byu/HuntMaterial3736 inInsurance

    Posted by HuntMaterial3736

    1 Comment

    1. Britinvirginia_1969 on

      Be grateful for now. That is excellent money for insurance sales. Get a couple of designations that interest you. Set a goal to have your own agency down the road

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