Tldr: basically if NVDA goes down tomorrow, i default on rent and car payments

    Posted by Insert_KarmaHere


    1. TheNameOfMyBanned on

      Brother, never invest more than you can afford to lose.

      If tomorrow fucks you, please learn from it. I wish you the best.

    2. Considering eviction and reposession is on the table, I would really take a MAJOR step back and think about your gambling problem.

    3. I usually don’t care much ..but rooting for you. Nvidia to 114 tomorrow. I have some stock there but that’s long term

    4. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      Oh dear. (*Oh dear*) I think this will do great! Really. And rooting for you, fully. (Have some calls myself, but lower stakes.)

    5. Insert_KarmaHere on

      Spy puts were mostly 0dte otm contracts I would sell within 15-30 minutes. Id just buy when the opportunity presented itself

    6. Not your rent and car. Jesus.

      Just risk what you can afford to lose. If $100 a month doesn’t change anything, fuck it throw that $100 in crazy OTM options where you might get lucky and get $5,000 or $10,000. Get those lottery tickets. Don’t use your fucking rent or your car. If I was your father, I’d slap you in the head for being so idiotic.

    7. GL, I’ll sacrifice my puts for your benefit tomorrow but only if you gamble more responsibly next time

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