What do you think regards? Lambo or Wendy's tomorrow?
    Bought both sets of puts 30 seconds before 4 thinking that CPI + debate + USDJPY dropping = Lambo time


    Posted by steppinrazor2009


    1. ElonMusksAlgorithm on

      Why would you trade options expiring so soon? This is essentially handing money directly to the banks.

    2. HovercraftRemarkable on

      Friendly advice? Do it on Thursday. Or rather, send that money to me, same thing as going yolo tomorrow.

    3. I’m investing 12,000$ (4,000$ each) in
      1) Goodyear Tire
      2) Intel
      3) Ford (idk I just like the Shelby truck)

    4. So the whole wsb is doing puts? That means my puts are basically tickets to poverty![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

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