5K in Nvidia Feb Calls. Not Dad’s or Uncle’s. THIS IS MINE 😈


    Posted by RandyTheTeslaBull


    1. Odd_Mistake_5437 on

      No ones gonna think 5k is parents money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787), if it was 700k then ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

    2. SubstantialAd8632 on

      Your arrogance has imbued in myself a longing of schadenfreude as your silly bet explodes on your face. I know there won’t be a follow up post, you’ll just vanish without a trace. Regards, regard.

    3. These options are going to make you a ton of money. We just need to get past this RED month.
      However, I am wondering why you didn’t buy them 2 days ago when they were a lot cheaper?

    4. Federal-Hearing-7270 on

      You need to humble yourself, because bragging out of 5k it’s actually hilarious. Anyways, good luck man.

    5. The premium you paid on this… smh. I love the stock but bro you are way too poor to be full porting into NVDA LEAPs. That’s a rich man’s game.

      for the price you paid you could have bought a ton of other contracts with same expiry with much better chances of returns

      Godspeed my good regard

    6. Spontaneous_Wood on

      Just because your uncle pays you for your services, it doesn’t mean that it’s earned …

    7. PontificatingDonut on

      I don’t buy options usually. If you do the math you find out they priced in the volatility at pretty high prices on stuff like this which means it’s very similar to a casino…sometimes worse with less transparency. In fact more people lose more money gambling on options than lose money in a casino and the win rate is worse with fewer people winning big prizes. Theta which is the decay on the options value over time means you lose a lot fast without a big move in your favor.

      Trading profitably in general is really tough especially over the long run. It does happen but it’s about as likely that you’ll become a celebrity or a professional athlete. That’s actually what a successful trader is. An NBA player playing against amateurs all day long trying to make it to the pros.

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