Bears will say this is the top, they're also poor.

    Posted by BeepBoopDep


    1. I think the AI revolution narrative is a scam. So I am bullish on NVDA because it may be pumped much more. I think this scam won’t stop so fast. However, I just didnt, don’t and won’t touch it myself.

    2. Microsoft’s Azure system helped sift through 32 million drug formulas to short list 17 for lab trials.
      Similarly, it combed through 32,000 chemicals to identify 1 that is useful for batteries but utilizes 70% less lithium.
      Alphabet is launching their AI protein simulator to also accelerate pharmaceutical research.

      They are taking the tedium and trial and error out of decades of scientific research and compressing it into weeks.

      AI is gold, and NVDA is the only one selling shovels.

    3. S&P didn’t reject off the 50ma. It’s going to close above it. That’s a sign we’re heading back up.

      Good thing I held my NVDA and SPY calls. Came close to cutting them loose, but… almost back in profit territory now.

    4. I bought April 2025 calls today but my paperhands couldn’t hold them once they went up 20% within hours.

    5. I bought shares and calls at $140 on June 20, bought calls before Black Monday (Yen carry blah blah), bought shares at $125 before the earnings. Guess how rich I am. 

    6. I will buy it, when tells me to buy it, and in the arbitrary quantity my spreadsheet tells me

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