Friend died and I’m grieving. Made a couple bad choices.

    Thoughts and jokes appreciated

    Posted by 0p8s-4-me


    1. AmarokTheLoneWolf on

      Hope your friend comes back coz NVDA probably won’t fall. On a serious note, I feel sorry for your loss

    2. Never too late to suck dik from here on sir. After this massive move tomorrow will most likely be a full on put.

    3. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) you bought Nvidia puts! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Dam did what we all shove done during nvda earnings dam

      All things aside take a step back I do t know what your going through man but when my grandmother died I won’t lie

      I just sad in the bath ran some water and just cried take a break I really do mean it

    5. I mean your position doesnt seem that bad, considering they expire on friday, obvious risky to bet against Nvidia but I like your odds of closing in the money.

    6. Did the same sh*t . Lost so much im livid! I cant rage trade anymore because I dont want to lose more than I did today. Such a BS pump if you ask me. Of course motherf**kers get rewarded for being greedy but if I would have bought calls i promise that sh*t would have dumped. I get more angry thinking there is some hope in the dump by friday but its not, it will be fking flat for the remainder of the b*tchass week.

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