Every time I see a few hundred thousand dollars I think of my dear ol dad who left a nice grip for us when he crossed the rainbow bridge. Love you dad…
MakeResonableChoices on
Fucking hero bro, well done sir
randyrando101 on
I don’t get how 2k becomings 266k. What was your strike price? Can you give more details?
Aggravating-Split855 on
I made $700 on APPL calls today. So I got that going for me.
Prove it – post the positions you bought and sold.
Paintip on
Congrats and fuck u
Acceptable_Answer570 on
koalawanka on
Fuck you OP and congrats! Good job.
Alive_Bid7229 on
Something isn’t mathing. You had a $161k day and up 30% with a huge green bar in the 1 month chart not to mention the bar the day before that’s almost 1/2 that, yet you’re only up 16% for the month without any big red bars?
Far-Requirement9180 on
How many regards would try do the same tomorrow? I’m the regards lol
I’d tell you to keep some for the IRS but we all know you won’t as you back to 0
Smallproduces on
Hey buddy you won, down payment on house, leave the rest for property taxes and utilities. Always buy your home before going back to the casino, that way if you’re fucked, you would literally have to sell your home to continue gambling.
No way regard. Show proof or ban
stop the cap
0dte on qqq, do you buy or sell the options? Which strikes do you trade? Or delta
Can I get 50k 🤷🏽
Help your brothers out. Can you give us more details of your gambling process?
Wow. If I give you my login will you do mine?
aw my laawwdd ! congratzz ! envy of you my time will come one day ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
How is this even done? What were the strikes? I don’t get it
Me next!
Uh huh…![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
Today was insane!
This like LeBron in the 4th quarter, 🥲congrats
Fake news
Now go to theta gang and stop gambling
Every time I see a few hundred thousand dollars I think of my dear ol dad who left a nice grip for us when he crossed the rainbow bridge. Love you dad…
Fucking hero bro, well done sir
I don’t get how 2k becomings 266k. What was your strike price? Can you give more details?
I made $700 on APPL calls today. So I got that going for me.
cheers if true
godspeed, regard
Prove it – post the positions you bought and sold.
Congrats and fuck u
Fuck you OP and congrats! Good job.
Something isn’t mathing. You had a $161k day and up 30% with a huge green bar in the 1 month chart not to mention the bar the day before that’s almost 1/2 that, yet you’re only up 16% for the month without any big red bars?
How many regards would try do the same tomorrow? I’m the regards lol
Degenerate gambling addiction unlocked
Why can’t this be me 😭
You won. Go swing trade shares.
I’d tell you to keep some for the IRS but we all know you won’t as you back to 0
Hey buddy you won, down payment on house, leave the rest for property taxes and utilities. Always buy your home before going back to the casino, that way if you’re fucked, you would literally have to sell your home to continue gambling.