Recently I have been paper trading SPX Iron Condors on the ThinkorSwim desktop platform.

    For reference, this week I have been trading $20-wide wings on both sides, and targeting trades that show as 52-53% P(profit) and offer total premium of close to $10. (Earlier this week these showed as positive EV for the 9/20 expiry, now have all turned negative, so none active rn.)

    I have been using limit orders and routinely get hit immediately on the price the system shows (which is usually around the midpoint price I see in my analytics).

    But then I'll set a limit order to buy back at, say $9.00. And sometimes I'll see this get filled at a price WAY better than the limit.
    Is that real? In my experience wouldn't the MM just pocket the gap?
    Are you all getting filled at prices BETTER than your limits?

    Paper Trading to Live…ToS Order Fills
    byu/AUDL_franchisee inoptions

    Posted by AUDL_franchisee

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