My son, with his friends parent’s permission, let off a firework which caused $400,000 worth of damage. City bylaws clear him of damage as he was older than 16 and had permission and yet our insurance will stop carrying us, as we don’t fall under their liability umbrella on the 25th of this month. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. The claim is up august 2025

    Insurance has dropped us due to a liability claim which is up august 2025
    byu/Butch13of14 inInsurance

    Posted by Butch13of14


    1. We can’t do your shopping for you, but you’re going to have a tough time, especially if you’re in a distressed state like FL, CA, TX or LA. Start calling local agents and explain your situation. Be prepared to pay a lot more than what you do now.

    2. Insurance broker. When you start the quote process let them know about the claim.

      Reach out to a few captive agents and same thing let them know about the claim. My company as of two years ago no longer cares about claims as much as they do credit. Claims do affect eligibility but credit might let a home/umbrella claim slide.

      *work in PA

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