Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for the week beginning September 16th, 2024

    Posted by ItsNotYourFault


    1. Y’all can’t be telling me you’re going to play earnings a day after the long awaited historical rate cut ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271). Might as well flip a coin

    2. Ugh I’m really gambling on the Cracker Barrel….

      Puts I tell you ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    3. Richofinvestingnocap on

      25 bps calls 50bps puts thats all ik good luck guys alot of soilders will be lost on wednesday hope to se u guys on the other side.

    4. Very funny that steelcase and millerknoll are the same week. You could probably see how scs moves and bet mlkn will follow

    5. B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME on

      Suncar… who the fuck are these guys? The feds gonna need to drop rates 10,000 basis points or the stocks that report the following day are dropping at least 20% by intraday

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