Apple Slammed with a €13 Billion Tax Bill as Tim Cook’s Worst Nightmare Comes True

    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. redditmodsRrussians on

      I wish my worst nightmare was a bad week at the gas station scratch off counter. $13 Billion is effectively the cost of doing business for them. They could pay that and just tell the regulators to go back to sleep.

    2. Odd title, this seems to have really worked out for apple because if you’re going to get stuck paying money back, better to do it a decade or more later after inflation has shrank the actual value of that debt down considerably.

    3. I think his worst nightmare would be some sort of alien invasion where they insert a parasite into his brain keeping him awake and alert while his body is strapped into a harness, hung up by pegs under his armpits, and as hes attached to a robot/machine of some sort, tubes and wires provide life support by infusing his blood with oxygen and nutrients, while another filters waste, all the while he’s kept awake perpetually with his eyes propped open having to watch flickering videos of humanity dying enmasse as his various apple products take over the collective consciousness of every living thing, blending all thoughts, feelings, fears, and emotions of everything with a collective conscious regardless of species or even if the organisms are human, bacterial, insect, or virus, creating a weird mish-mash of thoughts, feelings, and imagery in his brain.

      At least, that’s what mine would be.

    4. Peanuts. If Apple was made to pay the corporate tax rate in the US on their profits, they’d be paying at least $20B a year.

    5. All they have to do is increase iPhone prices by $100 and they could pay it up in no time because people love their products .

      Any chance Apple pays this amount of money ? I don’t think so. They could even strike a deal that makes them pay less than what they owe. Either way , apple is still a winner.

      Ps. Apple shareholder here.

    6. Slammed? In 2023 Apple had close to $400 billion in revenue, $90 billion in profits and keeps $162 billion cash in hand.

      And they have provisioned $20 billion for this already.

    7. Not even gonna bother clicking the link but can someone tell me if it’s Europoors?

      If so they’re just broke again. Happens every few months

    8. This money +$7b has been sitting in an escrow account for 3? 4? years now. If anything Apple just got 7 billion richer

    9. Why post old news? Didn’t this come out Monday.

      Also Apple has it in escrow and doesn’t hit their bottom line anymore.

      Probably made money from interest.

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