Just wanted to share I guess. Just gonna hold them out at this point and hope for anything. If I get wiped out I’m I guess I’ll have to be build everything. If by any miracle I get some back I will never touch options again.


    Posted by SnooBeans8206


    1. Whoa, that’s a rollercoaster!Remember, the market can be unforgiving, but it’s all about the long game.Maybe take a breather, reassess strategies, and don’t let this one experience define your trading journey.

    2. No major economic news dropping tomorrow morning, so these will likely bleed heavy unless we gap down to start the day.

      At any rate, I’d cash out whatever’s left on the table and stop buying FDs. You can still work with $4k or whatever’s left if you learn to buy time on your trades.

    3. dude, those 12k can build you a good chunk of money in couple nice trades, to start with “0” is much harder!

    4. Cool-Stranger2566 on

      Honestly bro , cash out what you can at open . If it was whatever money then let it ride but this is not the case here

    5. Am I a psychopath for not having empathy for people who have no concept of risk management? or knowing when too much is too much?

    6. There’s a non-zero chance you can still break even on those. It’s not over yet.

      But you should definitely try and sell those early in the day as soon as there’s a dip. At least sell half of them. No reason to ride them all to zero.

    7. Read your comments. Was gone as soon as you couldn’t afford to lose it. Bet enough to be mad not poor.

    8. It’ll probably dip in the morning so get out quickly. Every dip gets erased so don’t keep bagholding.

    9. Technical_Donut3570 on

      Spy’s going to rally tomorrow. Too much of a bullish momentum based on tech stocks. Good luck 👍

    10. ChemicalHungry5899 on

      Don’t sweat it, it’s only a shitty Mazda CX-30 or a Community College Degree worth money that you lost. My advice is get yourself a 1, dollar frosty and a burger at Wendy’s and start doing to some Uber or Dash to earn some of the money back. Cheer up and if needed jack it to some femdom corn or something.

    11. Dang sorry friend if it’s really messing you up mentally you gotta take it easy at least for a little bit, ik the feeling all too well and you can get right back up, just sell your positions, 12k is still a shit ton in options land and come back refreshed next week

    12. DamnMyAPGoinCrazy on

      You’re compounding your mistakes now. Cardinal sin for traders. Made a bad trade and then held on too long instead of cutting losses. An expensive lesson

    13. steppinrazor2009 on

      Do you not use stop losses? I cut and run at -10%

      Later if I still like the trade I’ll try again at a new lower price

    14. You’ll be fine it happens to everyone, now you’re a trader.

      It’s painful but you popped the cherry

      Learn risk management

    15. Practical_March2024 on

      Learn about risk mgmt. Sounds boring as opposed to yoloing. It will save your ass next time. Never put more than 10% of the capital on a trade. Probably practice stop loss too. When I was 20, I didn’t know crap about the stocks and in fact made fun of the charade. I didn’t even understand what different asset classes are and their long term return. Learn about ETFs and read “Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies”…

    16. Slightly-Blasted on

      Never risk your entire portfolio on one trade, and especially not on 0DTE. I risked 20$ on spy puts tomorrow and even that was a dumb move.

      Stick to shares or long calls.

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