OPEC has recently reduced global growth expectations.


    Posted by Infamous_Sympathy_91


    1. Popular-Row4333 on

      Quick on the draw with this one OP, seeing as Oil was $65 on Sept 10 already.

      The good thing about oil is it tends to shrug off market manipulation more than the equity markets. “Oh there’s a hurricane shutting down refineries? Don’t mind me, I’ll just blast up 8% in 48 hours, because F your intended direction, that’s why.”

    2. Accomplished_Dot9815 on

      What makes you say that they dropped because of expectations of a recession? Did all the oil companies have a press conference and say that? Or are you just speculating? Typical WSB shit


      Funny way of saying oil is dropping because China can’t hide their economy collapsing anymore.

    4. elpresidentedeljunta on

      Actually at this point oil does, what the FED has failed to do. It helps reducing the costs of doing business and thus supports the econmy right when it slows.

    5. Good for inflation numbers for every country.

      Soft landing narrative seems more likely each day.

      Esepcially after CPI, PPI and jobs show the economy is fine. Even being a little hot is good, shows economy isn’t falling off a cliff.

    6. With all the cheap money in the economy oil should be $90 a barrel, if there’s a recession like 2008 oil is going to $200 a barrel easy

      Buy XOM and BP and hold

    7. Oil/gas is the a great indicator for inflation I see this as inflation cooling. Interest rates decreasing etc.

    8. Global recession these nuts. I got money to burn on this sale. I’m buying when the markets turn red.

    9. HIVnotAdeathSentence on

      Global demand is down, this is after OPEC cut production which is supposed to last through 2025.

    10. notyourregularninja on

      As a small retailer I can say that import % from China has reduced in my industry by almost 20% (apparel, small goods, accessories etc.). Which also means that they have become proportionately irrelevant

    11. I was gonna add OXY shares to my IRA account tomorrow, are you say I should wait for sub $50 price? 

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