Boeing workers going on strike after 96% vote for walkout

    Posted by s1n0d3utscht3k


    1. Gotta give it to them, it takes pretty big balls to go on strike after spending the last few years f*cking up again and again…

    2. Are the stranded Boeing astronauts joining the strike? If anyone has ever earned the right to strike its probably them.

    3. Why are so many people here complaining about the workers, as if it’s their fault the management pushed out accountability and reliability.

      When anyone bringing up issues is fired, you’d be left with no one willing to talk about it. If we had the engineers and workers actually running Boeing, it wouldn’t be such a shit show.

      Boeings fuck ups have originated from within upper management.

    4. Yall are crazy this makes perfect sense. Think about it from the workers perspective. The issues that Boeing is having is not any single persons fault. It’s the “company” as a whole. The union is negotiating with the “company”. Boeing is already beaten down and the last thing they can afford is to have 33k workers on strike and production halted. Which means, if you are a union worker, it’s the perfect time to go on strike. No better opportunity to squeeze the company for what you want than when they are already knocked down. Every passing day with no deal is a massive cash burn for Boeing which they can’t afford. Which is great for puts. Admittedly I am a put owner.

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