Got married on Monday. Baby potentially on the way. This crazy hot streak has taken me from $4,000 to $100,000 in one week. Fuck me

    Posted by aggieclams


    1. Just read your caption. Genuine congrats on the big life events. Withdraw all, set 40% aside for taxes, and live happily ever after with the new family & finance boost.

    2. Congratulations on marriage and the baby for the love of Christ take the money out put some away for taxes and pay whatever debts you may have

    3. New to this, there are certainly skill to this but what percentage of luck involved in this kind of gain.

    4. salute, I was on the same side yesterday, sold like a bitch for a loss. the whole position was worth 120k at the close.

      I know that you probably would not listen but to cash out and pay taxes is not the bad idea, if you can just take the money and run I will be proud of you!

      I had the day where I made over a 68k in a day just to slowly lose it all the following week.

      CASH OUT please!!!

    5. Truly impressive and a blessing. Call it a wedding gift. Congrats.
      However, if you DO NOT take at least half or 66% out, you will lose it all again..

    6. please for the love of christ take most out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

    7. Emergency-Ticket5859 on

      I bet you feel pretty good now – remember that is not a good mindset for making sensible trades – same side as losing and chasing gains. Cash out please.

    8. MuellMichDoNichtVoll on

      Just be a good man and tell you’re wife you lost it already before it happens in the end

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