So I have a 826 DTE $7 RKLB call that has 30% profit since I bought it. I wanted to roll to secure some profits, but the problem is that the next strike is too OTM in my opinion ($10, while the stock is currently 7.25) which makes it more risky to roll. What would you suggest to do?
    (If the next strike would’ve been like $8 I would definitely do it)

    Edit: I’m very bullish on the company and do want to hold calls on it, hence why I bought a LEAPS

    Advice with rolling a LEAPS
    byu/DarthRevanGonk inoptions

    Posted by DarthRevanGonk


    1. Based on everything you said, close it and look for the next opportunity. Alternatively, and with more risk, set some stops and wait for a more optimum time to roll it to the next.

    2. You’re holding 800+ dte that are already ITM/in profit and you’re bullish long term? You don’t need to do anything lol just hold until you’re satisfied.

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