$80 Nvidia put buyer strikes again in the January 2025 contract $$$ 5,000 contracts costing about a million


    Posted by SqueezeStreet


    1. It doesn’t need to go to $80 to make a profit. If Nvda goes back to $102 like this week, he will be in somewhat profit.

    2. SillyWoodpecker6508 on

      Ya it’s call insurance.

      That’s why put options were initially made to do before regards discovered they could use them to gamble.

    3. It will only happen if there’s a political shenanigan in January. Otherwise Blackwell ships in November, it should make the stock jump.

    4. obviously the buyer of these contracts met Jensen Huang at a rock concert and got some inside information

      indictments all but guaranteed

    5. squirrelmegaphone on

      You say he strikes “again” indicating that you were in the previous threads, and yet for some reason you still have no fucking concept of the fact that it’s an institutional investor hedging his investments.

    6. Novel-Emotion-5208 on

      guys ask a.i what would happen if the a.i companies started using something else than nvidia, then substract that % with current stock price ..

    7. The buyer of the $80 puts bought when NVDA was trading around $119.50 this morning. If the stock drops below $119.50 next week, trader makes money on this, assuming he exits next week or week after.

      Hedge on long position or naked put position, trader is still bearish heading into next week.

    8. Serious question tho for anyone that might be willing to provide me constructive info – can someone advise where I can find option contract info/details such as this (contracts purchased, time, maybe even if purchase was on bid/ask, etc)? I am familiar with how to find something like this within ToS but only for shares, not options contracts. Anyone willing to bless me with the knowledge is greatly appreciated. If I gotta be a regard for this then whatever . . .🤷🏻‍♂️😆

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