The U.S. government will spend a record $1.2 trillion on interest payments in 2024, the highest amount ever recorded.

    Posted by batyrshah


    1. Why do you think they are trying so hard to lower rates. Trillions of treasuries coming due in the next 2 years – if they have to refi at 5%, they are beyond Fk’d

    2. And you think inflation is an accident…when in reality if the govt has $35T in debt and they make those dollars worth 1/2, you are now magically…equivalent to only $17.5T in debt.

    3. Don’t worry guys! They will have a long list of solutions to this issue soon. It will look like this:

      1. Raise taxes

    4. _AtLeastItsAnEthos on

      The debt is held by Americans. I cannot stress how unimportant it is. Just nationalize the companies that come to collect its that simple

    5. Afraid_Skin2366 on

      Majority of interest is owed to the federal reserve and that is again for the government itself.

    6. dingusmingus2222 on

      This is what I come here for, big brained discussions from weebs that make the worst possible options plays all day. Only 23%~ is owed to foreign investors the rest is owed to either itself or domestic investors, ie its citizens. Are you worried the house is gonna default on itself?

    7. These idiot politicians in power have been raising the debt limit every year. Such irresponsible people running America.

    8. geneticdeadender on

      How long do you think it will take for the debt to spiral out of control and the government defaults?

    9. It doesn’t matter when you own the global currency, debt could be 300% GDP and it wouldn’t be a problem.

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