Bought back in on the big dip , sats up in space , next sell 40$

    Posted by 1Loveshack


    1. Left_Experience_9857 on

      I think this is photoshopped.

      Give me your login, password, social security number, front and back of all your credit cards, and all the title of your primary vehicle and I’ll verify it.

    2. I want in on ASTS… I’ve wanted in ever since I first saw people posting massive gains. I guess if I would have gotten in then, I could have been posting massive gains, too!… Fuck ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    3. Hot_Marionberry9569 on

      After you have a million this is why it only gets easier. A 10% upswing profits on a million are insane.

    4. OP makes $40,000 for every $1 move in ASTS. The inverse is also true but tune that away bc we are gamblers

    5. Puzzleheaded_Party23 on

      I would say I hope this makes you a millionaire but you’re already there so fuck it blows my mind it all

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