I'm not going to sit here for long and bore you guys to death, but I have been observing a specific area of the market that I think is often overlooked for almost the past year. Upon observing, I've come to realize that dark pool orders serve as the skeletal system of the market.

    Don't believe me? Take a look at this past week on the SPY. I've actually been kicking myself because I only profited off of one side of the move on Wednesday., which was downside where I made 300% playing these orders down to the levels in the screenshot below.

    I've blocked out other dark pool orders because they are significantly smaller then these two.


    These dark pool orders came in on Friday after the Jobs Report. I've been paying attention to dark pool orders for the past year or so, so my strategy is usually to play the orders to their level on the dark pool. Once price reaches that level, that's my Take Profit. For example, If SPY has untapped orders at 545 and the market price is 548, I'll short SPY to 545 and I exit.

    On Wednesday 9-11, SPY opened up at around 549 and instantly sold off to 540. Why? Because these orders from Friday had to be touched. For the QQQ, there was a massive order at 452. So what happens next? QQQ finds support at 452 and SPY finds support at 540. It's not a coincidence, or by accident. These levels are structured throughout stock and everything in between tends to be noise.

    I had QQQ puts where I sold QQQ at 452, but I did not have the brain to think to buy calls at the level in this particular instance because I was trying to play it safe. I usually only play to the level because they're not always buy orders. Could have 100X my money playing the other direction, but that's life.

    Damn, I went too long. I'll stop here. I'm new to Reddit, but if you guys like this I can analyze some dark pool orders in the coming days.

    I have proof that the market is NOT gambling.
    byu/theonlyretard inwallstreetbets

    Posted by theonlyretard


    1. This is similar to what I do but I don’t look at the dark pools. I look at something that covers the whole market

    2. 100%. Market is rigged, unless you can spot what is really happening behind the moves, why and when they happen. There are other ways besides dark pool prints. Options chain tells the story too, especially on SPY and SPX

    3. I’m not familiar with dark pool orders, but how do you know they are real orders and not price walls being put up by whales? Often, for example, large buyers will not want to buy all at once, as it can be such a large purchase that the price increases throughout their entire purchase. So say they want to buy 10M SPY shares. They might buy 1M, then put up a huge sell wall 3 dollars above the current price. What that does for them is hopefully scare people into selling, as they see a large sell order ahead and think they should as well. Their selling then creates liquidity for the whale to buy shares at below or at the current price. They can then cancel their sell order once all shares are bought. Same idea for the other way. Point is you don’t always know for sure why these sell or buy orders are in place but you can speculate.

    4. Disturbing_Trend_666 on

      When I wipe my ass I stick my fingers way up my butthole and dig around a little and sometimes weird things come out on the toilet paper

    5. So are we saying the market is manipulated so these orders get filled, or that these traders have information that we don’t and are placing orders at favorable limits that they know are likely to be hit? How many of these orders don’t get filled?

    6. The stock that can not be mentioned here finds out the dirty secrets about dark pool long ago, but it is the first time I have seen anybody trying to mention it in a detailed way like you did here in wsb

    7. PM me for link to discord if you’re trying to join and ill show you how to access dark pools in there.

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