So they’re just never going to do anything about our politicians making literally 10-100x that?
Temporary-Guidance20 on
use signal or telegram folks
BullShitting-24-7 on
Why didn’t they just run for congress? Are they stupid?
Gaymemelord69 on
What the fuck goin on in Miami bruh?
FaZaCon on
How the fuck does the SEC figure this shit out without a whistleblower? Somebody must have ratted.
NY_State-a-Mind on
fattytuna96 on
It probably cost more than $1 million to investigate and prosecute this while barely any money will be recovered for the victims
Any_Championship_674 on
Bro’s are from Miami and never heard of burners? 😂
mMounirM on
so you know each other personally and instead of discussing things in person, you incriminate yourself via text messages. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
PaleontologistDeep80 on
fuck man i did NOT read that as “reaping”
ElectrochemicalAorta on
This is so dumb. A million dollars is like nothing compared to Congress insider trading. They arrested three 25 year olds and their dad
So they’re just never going to do anything about our politicians making literally 10-100x that?
use signal or telegram folks
Why didn’t they just run for congress? Are they stupid?
What the fuck goin on in Miami bruh?
How the fuck does the SEC figure this shit out without a whistleblower? Somebody must have ratted.
It probably cost more than $1 million to investigate and prosecute this while barely any money will be recovered for the victims
Bro’s are from Miami and never heard of burners? 😂
so you know each other personally and instead of discussing things in person, you incriminate yourself via text messages. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
fuck man i did NOT read that as “reaping”
This is so dumb. A million dollars is like nothing compared to Congress insider trading. They arrested three 25 year olds and their dad